How Digital Marketing Can Boost Your Sales

Nsenzi Salasini Instagram Digital Matketing How Digital Marketing Can Boost Your Sales
With the arrival of new and more advanced forms of digital media, we have gradually turned into a online driven society.
The impact can be measured by the fact that there are countries where citizens don’t have running water, but own smartphones!
That’s right!
Our social interactions, work, purchases, and even life habits have been incredibly influenced by the internet.
For businesses, this is great news!
It has never been easier to interact with customers than it is today.
The world has embraced and become accustomed to instant communication. Almost everyone you know is on the internet – either interacting with the world through social media or purchasing products/services online!
The entire digital marketing ecosystem can be thought of as a life-sized spinning roulette wheel!
The ball represents a business or a brand advertisement, which will spin and bounce as the wheel revolves prior to landing on a space (space = customer).
The vast network of social media acts as the wheel itself, allowing the message to reach millions of people until it lands on the ideal customer (a sale).
This is great news for all the businesses or brands that are putting their presence online because the playing field of digital marketing has never been so fair.
Today, you don’t need to have a million dollar budget to spread the news about your latest product or service.
Small businesses can gain the same attention as big businesses event if the big business has a big marketing budget.
When compared with traditional forms of marketing, Digital Marketing has proven to be highly effective with its precision targeting and lower cost.
With traditional marketing channels, it is virtually impossible to measure success.
Digital Marketing, when utilized properly, can help you instantly measure your campaigns and get all the insights related to conversion, bounce rates, number of visitors, and so much more!
Google analytics has helped businesses today to easily collect the performance of their campaigns, determine their rate of success, which in turn allows them to adjust and amplify for positive results.
In contrast to traditional marketing, which reaches only local or regional audience, digital marketing helps you customize your campaigns to reach your potential customers all across a region, country or even specific demographics.
With highly advanced and precise audience targeting options, it’s of no surprise to find that digital marketing yields a far better ROI than traditional methods of marketing.
Online marketing is much more cost effective and your ad campaigns reach a much greater audience than traditional marketing will ever reach.
This means that a small portion of your marketing budget brings in more business!
The ability to analyze data and the simplicity with which analytics tools are known to work makes digital marketing easier to implement and regulate.
All you have to do is ‘Run, Track, Tweak and Repeat’ to make your online advertising campaign a grand success!
Finally, here are a few statistics that will certainly help you to begin marketing online –
1. For every $1 spent on Google Ads, businesses make an average of $2 in revenue!
2. Social media and watching video content are the two most popular online activities!
3. Worldwide digital ad spend is predicted to reach over $375 billion by 2021!
4. On average, 46% of users act after viewing a video ad!
5. Location-specific digital ad campaigns are 20x more effective than traditional banner ads that are not location-based!
6. 70% of advertisers plan to increase their budget for mobile social advertising!
7. Over 51% of smartphone users have found new brands or products while searching from their mobile device!
8. 80% of consumers will remember a video ad they viewed in the past 30 days!
9. 37% of online shoppers report using social media for inspiration when they’re ready to make a purchase!
Here we are at the end of the article!
We hope this article brought great value!
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