Ron: From 0 - 311 High-Value Leads ($15,000 Average Customer Value) in 8 weeks


Ron is a real estate professional with over 35 years of experience and owns a brokerage firm. His target market is the more sophisticated and seasoned clientelle.

Prior to working with us – he tried everything get clients in his market, he even spent tens of thousands of dollars on other programs to help him.

But he was still left with minimal results, no online presence, and no true way to consistently get clients in todays digital age…

He was burned in the past by other people who over promised and under-delivered. So at first he was a bit skeptic to work with us…

The Results

After effectively putting an automated “filtration” funnel is business, he was able to attract more high-value clients consistently.

In under 8 weeks his pipeline went from 0 to 311+ high-value leads with average customer value of $15,000. We even helped him get a $6 million dollar ‘ready-to-buy’ investor client. (equaling about $180,000 of new revenue).

This was the exact market he wanted to work with and he is now able to do so.

The Process

After joining our program, we quickly identified that Ron needed a system and process in place to filter out the people who are actually a qualified to work with him. 

After a few calls, we quickly  had to refine his offer and sharpen his messaging  to ensure that he is not only attracting the right people but also repelling the wrong people outside of his target market.

Once this was dialed in, we created the full system. Ron had everything he needed and was off the races.


“I’ve tried all sorts of marketing and spent tens of thousands of dollars with a lot of companies in the past. Working with Nsenzi’s marketing system delivered the best results of anyone I have worked with in my 35 years. Nsenzi is an outstanding gentleman and he delivers on everything he promises.